Hello, this is my 365 blog where I will be posted one picture a day of whatever takes my fancy! (Yes my camera will be going everywhere with me!) And at the end of every week I plan on making a layout with all of the pictures taken!! Hope you enjoy following me in 2010!

I also have a blog displaying my layouts :) Click Here if you wish to view :D

Friday, 8 January 2010

Day 8

Well not a good day for me today :( been very achy and in quite a bit of pain as baby is lying very low :( but couldn't resist smiling when my little girl came and give me a kiss and then blew me a kiss! AND I managed to get the pic lol not sure how! But here she is sharing a kiss with you all!


  1. awww she is such a cutie.. :D Gorgeous Pic x x

  2. She IS a cutie! And I can commiserate on the achiness! OYE!

  3. aww gorgeous such a lovely photo to catch :d xx

  4. aww what a gorgeous pic of Lily!
    She is beautiful!

  5. that is such a cute photo hun, Lily is gorgeous
    *blows a kiss back at Lily* xx
